13 February 2013


So I got to talk to Seth today, and to be completely honest, (which is why I started a blog) he pissed me off. To avoid getting to personal, and to keep things short- I think talking on facebook is a lot of the problem.  He wanted me to describe the broken fence, and some paper work, which is hard to do for me, especially when I'm trying to type it in a facebook message on my phone. So I think we were both getting annoyed.  As I was waiting for a reply I decided to bring my dog in. I had him by the collar when I unleashed him, and he twisted my arm, and pulled me to knees in the slushy, dirty, driveway snow. He freed himself from my grasp and took off.  While I was chasing him down Seth replied and I couldn't respond until I had the escapee back in the house.  I explained what happened, but he was even more annoyed that he has to "wait on me to respond." Which in turn made me more upset that he wasn't more understanding of the situation.  From then on it was a rather annoying and unpleasant conversation.  He just wanted to discuss business- taxes, bills, and whatnot, while I wanted him to ask if I was okay and tell me how much he loved me and missed me.

I think that he thinks that I have it easy.. I mean all I do is sit at home and take care of a baby. I don't think he understands the stress of dealing with every day life without him here. And then taking care of all of the things that he usually does, like taxes, bills, broken gates, frozen pipes, broken furnaces, shoveling and deicing. I'm not used to all this crap.  And although I LOVE every second of staying at home to raise my daughter, it is by no means easy.

At first, I was really stressed and upset that we "argued." We don't get to talk very much and we wont see each other again for a long time, so when I have the opportunity to talk to him, I should be thankful and enjoy the time and conversation that I get.

But as the day went on, I am thinking- its normal.  We are both stressed. We are now on different pages, in different situations.  In addition, we get in normal marital arguments while he is home, why is this any different? I found a website that I really like that discussed the matter.
"Fighting during deployment is MORE than normal. Maybe there are a few couples that don't fight but I'm sure they have their own issues. Healthy couples know how to argue and move forward. You're both in difficult yet contradicting situations and both of you are looking for someone to understand, you're stressed, you're alone. Things aren't always going to be rainbows & butterflies & that's okay."
That quote makes me feel better. I love Seth more than anything, but sometimes we don't agree, or irritate each other and I think that's a normal part of any relationship. The key is moving forward.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, I am going to eat lunch with the other ladies whose Valentines are deployed. I am looking forward to it, and I think it will be a good time.

-Moving forward.

 Happy Valentine's Day