Briley is about to be 10 months. Time goes by so fast, and she grows even faster. She is gaining more sounds and they have meaning. They all start with D. (of course) DADA- dad. Duhh- Duck. Doo- Duke. and Deh Deh Deh- can be anything. She will point to what she wants and say deh deh.
She is also learning the meaning of words. Today when she woke up from her nap, I asked her where her bunny was; she smiled and picked it up. If I ask her where the baby is she pats my tummy, and tries to lift my shirt. Don't think she actually understands there's a little brother in there- but its so sweet.
She also throws fits like nothing else. If she doesn't get what she wants she will stick out her lip, cry, and even hit me!! That is a habit that has got to go.
Every day she amazes me. We are in the process of introducing solid foods. Tonight I cut up a few spaghetti noodles for her. I expected it to be all over her. I was prepared for that, she was striped down to a diaper. But she took that spaghetti and tossed every little piece on to the floor that I had just finished mopping. But I didn't feel unlucky. I felt happy, and even recorded her pouty face as she watched Duke lick up the noodles off the floor, leaving nasty doggie tongue residue on the polished hardwood floor.
Then, during her bath, she pooped. A lot. In the tub. And I had to laugh. I'm still smiling. It is funny. She just kept on splashing away. I took her out and set her on the rug. Next, cleaned out the tub before starting her bath all over again. And I laughed. These are the moments I will miss one day. Yes, I want Seth home as soon as possible, but I can not wish this time with my baby girl away. Its just me and her for just 10 more weeks, and I want to inhale every second as she learns and grows.
Speaking of Seth, the best husband ever.... He ordered me a Mother's Day present!!! Today at my door was a huge box. Inside was one of the most coveted kitchen appliances in the world. Yes, that's right, I got a kitchen aid mixer. Beautiful, Shiny, and Red. This Mama is ready to bake!! The first thing on the list: cookies to send overseas.