Seth had one feather pillow. It hasn't been on our bed for years. I usually save it for guests, and recently I have kept it on my couch for mid-morning napping. Since it has been on the couch it has gained a lovely collection of drool, spit-up, and sticky baby-hand residue. I threw it in the washer, on a gentle cycle. Then I put it in the dryer, on medium. I have read that you can clean feather pillows this way. Well, I go to open the dryer and I was enveloped in a fog of flying feathers.
That one moment is a perfect example of my life lately; everything seems to be going wrong, life has been hard to be honest with you. But at the same time, I have to laugh. Briley has been very demanding. We have been fighting a runny nose, a cough, and a changing schedule.
In addition, I am getting bigger, more tired, and definitely more uncomfortable. Its hard to get up, its hard to bend over, its harder when you are holding a 19 pound baby. Its hard to sleep. Its hard to keep up with the house, Its impossible to keep the dog clean.
But this is what life is all about. Its kinda beautiful if you think about it. I miss Seth a lot. I wish he was here to give me a hand when I'm trying to stand up. And I wish he was here to get me some fried pickles late at night. I especially wish he was here to hug me after a long day. But I'm okay... as long as I can finish gathering the last of the flying feathers out of my laundry room. I've got this. I am one more day closer.