28 May 2013


I am feeling at ease tonight as I have completed an emergency phone number list. As of now, my parents are planning on driving all the way up to NNY from Georgia, so when I have Will, Briley can stay here, sleep in her own be and be in her own house. For me, this is the best case scenario. Briley is my main concern. We have not been seperated  more the a few hours at a time. We live on a pretty strict routine because that is how we function best.  She always does just fine when I leave her with a friend for an apt. She doesn't even blink when I leave. But I am concerned about leaving her for atleat two days. The less change for her the better and if she stays in a familiar place I think she will be more comfortable. 

Unfortunitly in life, things dont always work out the way we would like. My parents might not be able to come, or they might not get here in time, or who knows. So in the case of an emergency I have a list of numbers of wonderful friends.  Also on the list I have my doctors numbers and reminders. Tomorrow I am going to type up a schedule for Briley. Of course that is subject to change as she grows over the next 2 months. But I can change it as we go. 

I feel a big relief having somewhat of an emergency plan. 

The hardest part about having a baby during deployment is leaving my 1st baby. But honestly I think being away from her will be harder on me then it will be for her. She's a strong and resilient little girl, and we will get through this together thanks to a lot of good friends.