I just miss him so much. So I went back to this web page I mentioned in a previous blog and looked up some more quotes to try to make me feel better. Although I do not feel any better, but these quotes kinda sum up some of my feelings tonight.
There's nothing weak about worrying, or breaking down. You're surviving a deployment, it's okay to be human.
You're always "doing well" there will be times where everything hits rock bottom, and it seems like you're in the wrong lane, but that's life. Life doesn't stop because you're going through a deployment. Deployments are hard because life goes on when you feel like your world is crashing down. It can and will eat you alive if you let it....but you'd have to let it.
...sometimes you have to be selfish and you feel like (sugar) for it, but it's the way it is. Sometimes you just want to be acknowledged that you're going through a hard time too, but that never comes. Sometimes you wonder how there could possibly be any tears left. That doesn't make you weak.Another day is done.