31 January 2013

Blown Away

This morning the North Country was experiencing some seriously high winds.  I was under the assumption that the snow wouldn't hit until this afternoon, so Briley and I were getting ready to go meet up with some friends for a "bitch and stitch."

Following our morning routine, we got dressed and then Briley played in her exersaucer while I fed Duke and prepared the diaper bag.  When Duke finished his breakfast, I let him out to the backyard as usual.  Next, I gathered my things and loaded up the car. It was freezing out after having such a warm day yesterday.  The wind was blowing every one's trash and recyclables down the street. After I started the car to get it warmed up, I glanced down the road only to see my own dog bouncing full speed toward me. 

I grabbed him by the collar and lead him back inside before heading to the backyard to inspect the gate.  The wind had blown the gate off of the latch... its hard to explain, but the latch was screwed on to the gate. It was still latched, but the gate was blown off the screws and pushed into the backyard.  I have a rope as a temporary fix. And honestly, out of everything that has happened since Seth left, this not at all one of the worst things to happen. Although, it is very annoying.

 Briley is still very inconsolable and cranky. There is still no signs of a tooth.  Maybe she just really misses her daddy.  We are going to start collecting things for a Valentine themed care package and that makes me excited.  I like to set the box out and slowly fill it up as I fidn things I think Seth would want, need or enjoy, or even things that made me think of him.  I can't wait to send it...

Well my poor baby is awake already. She usually doesn't wake up until after 10.  Looks like another long sleepless night at the Prosser House.

One less day.


  1. Praying you get rest tonight. I'll help you fix the gate... I'm pretty handy like that :-)

    1. THANK YOU STEPHANIE!!!! I still have a warranty on it, so they have to come fix it! :)
