01 March 2013

American Dream

It's been a while since I posted, so just in case you missed my facebook announcement, IT'S A BOY!!!!!  I am SO surprised and excited!!! I just feel so complete now, I have a handsome husband and I am a stay at home mommy to a daughter and a son. One of each. HOW PERFECT IS THAT?!? Honestly, I am living my American Dream.

I know a lot of women now a days have a modern version of a woman's American Dream.  A career for themselves, money, and independence.  But I am very traditional.  I have always wanted to be a house wife and a mom. I don't want a career, I want to stay at home and bake cookies for my husband and kids. I am so lucky that I have this! I am so lucky to have Seth, to have my beautiful girl, and a bundle of blue on the way! I wouldn't trade this life for anything.

I just read my comments from my last blog, and I have to say thank you ladies! I am glad you guys like reading my blog!

Stephanie- Its funny how we live for 5 minutes of Facebook messaging, but its so worth it and can make the day 100 times better.

Susan!!! I miss you!!! I want you to know that your strength has been inspirational in my life! I hope you and all of my little friends are doing well! Thank you for your prayers, because no matter how strong we are, we still need them!

Aunt Cheryl, THANK YOU. I want you to know that even though you are far away, I still love you and miss you!  I have a purple and pink blanket that you made me, that is now in Briley's room (which of course is purple) and she loves sitting on it and playing with the tassels.

I think that one of the most important lessons I have learned in my lifetime thus far is to think positive. It has always been a challenge for me as I am naturally a pessimist. However, life would just be unbearably too hard if I didn't train myself constantly to be positive, and think of the happy moments and the happy times ahead.

Another exhausting day is done. Goodnight!

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