27 January 2014


No Amy Glass, the point of having kids is not to keep a woman from being lonely. As you [should] know, children grow up and have lives for themselves.  I don’t think you will ever understand why a couple decides to have a child. 

I am an EXCEPTIONAL wife and a mother. One of those people you look down on. I am a little confused on why you would look down on another woman just because her dreams in life are different then your own.  I am a very traditional person. I never wanted a successful business career; a busy 9-5 with big pay checks and bonuses to cover my designer shoes and weekly mainis. Does that mean I lack ambition? Not at all.

I am living my dream. Why would you look down on me for that? Why do you call my job stupid? My husband thinks managing a household is important. It is my half of our team effort. You think doing laundry isn’t important? Then please, go to your fancy job with dirty clothes on.

I feel accomplished after a day of cleaning poop and puke, keeping the home clean, completing laundry and getting meals prepared.  You may feel accomplished after holding a great presentation, or writing a blog. We both feel accomplished. What makes you a better woman? Is it that you don’t need a man?

You look down on me for choosing this?


LOL!!! That’s funny. But go ahead.

You want to look down on me for choosing this?

I’m a little offended.

They are not holding me back from being exceptional. I am exceptional because of them. You think I will have no great accomplishments in life? Lady, I have had two hearts beating in my body at ONCE. I grew and gave birth to two humans. If you think this is no great accomplishment, then please try it.  I am raising two babies to become good and productive people for our future world.  They are and will be my greatest accomplishment in life.  If I became the president of the United States, that would not change. They would still be my greatest accomplishment. 

I will never look down on my daughter, whether she grows up to be a house wife, a stay at home mom, a business woman, or a doctor.  I will raise her to accomplish her dreams no matter what they are and to support other women instead of looking down on them for having different dreams and life choices.
Women will be equal with men when we quit acting like little school girls and putting each other down in on-line blogs.

You know, I never heard of you until your blog entry made headlines.  

My greatest accomplishment: being an exceptional wife and mother. Your greatest accomplishment? Looking down on others. Who is the better woman?

12 July 2013

The end.

Well I feel my blogging is coming to a close. Deployment is over. My husband is home just in time for Briley's 1st birthday and William's arrival (which should be anytime now). It was an unexpected but very exciting homecoming. Briley is still a Daddy's girl for sure. I am so lucky. I may post updates but not as often for sure. Especially with a newborn. It was a long 6 months but now with him home I feel like it was all just a bad dream.  I am back in my real life and I couldn't be happier. 

24 June 2013

Spider in the room

Sooo I had a less then perfect weekend filled with some very entertaining drama that unfortunately I can not make public. I know everyone loves a juicy story and as much as I would like to vent, I can't. 

So back on track here: I had a very crappy weekend and it really really really had me stressed and depressed. Today I have let go as much of it as I can, however I had a teething baby who has left me completely exhausted. I should be sleeping now, but I have to share this story. 

Finally ending my long day, I climbed into bed and started my usual routine of bothering people on Facebook and reading their business. This is my social life. Lol. I happened to glance up and something catches my eye. 

Oh no it is.
And it is gigantic.
A spider. On my ceiling. Making its way toward the ceiling fan.
It creeps it's way closer and closer until it is above the spinning blades. The force causes the spider to lose its grip on the ceiling. 
NO! Please for the love of all creatures that are not creepy crawly!! 
The spider falls.
I hear the blade hit the spiders body. And it is gone. 
From the ceiling but oh my goodness where is it. 
I tell my mathematical genius of a brother the story and ask him where it could have landed. His genius answer: "to the left?"
I look to the left and there it is. On the left corner of...
My bed!!!!! Omg Eeewwww someone please save me!!!!

Now I admit. There was a moment of weakness. I wanted to break down and get my husband home to get this freakishly alive 8 legged creature off my bed. 

But I have to do this alone. I can do this. Think. I ran down stairs and graved my shark hand vac. I vacuumed that sucker off my bed. Replaced my sheets with fresh spider-germ free sheets. And I have officially conquered another crisis. I am a boss. 

And now the teether is up. So on to the next...

21 June 2013

Another candle

It's my birthday. Anyone who REALLY knows me well knows that i love my birthday. In the northern hemisphere the 21st of June is the longest day of the year. The first day of Summer.  Therefore the longest birthday. Pure awesomeness. 

Seth surprised me with some very thoughtful and amazing presents. Les Mis. (I've watched half of it now. Maybe I will get to finish this weekend :) ).  The most delicious chocolate covered strawberries.  Then a gorgeous white gold necklace with a diamond rope, accentuating two rubies. My rubies! My two sweet little July babies. I seriously cried when I opened it. Not only did he get me something fancy and beautiful, but it's so thoughtful. My two July babies. I am the happiest mommy and wife. 

17 June 2013


I think I will start things off with some sad feelings so that way I can end with the happy ones. I like to end with happy thoughts because I am a happy person. I want you to know that. Don't think that I am not because I might write about some sad feelings. But everyone has them. Even millionaires. Right? Haha yeah I doubt it, too- but here goes:

I need someone to talk to. Sounds easy enough right? No. I need someone I do not know. Some one who doesn't know me. Someone I will probably never see again. So that way, I can say whatever. There are so many things just weighing me down that I cannot talk about, I cannot publish in a blog, or make public. 

 I am not that person. You know that person that posts 3 Facebook statuses about how sad their life is. Or the person that puts all of their drama on facebook? Nope. Not me. I am not sad. I am happy with my life. I am blessed and I am lucky. I don't want to use Facebook to make people feel sorry or me, or feel sad. My main Facebook use is to share with my family who is far away, to have easy conversations and keep in touch. But if I'm going to do anything besides that I want to encourage and to be uplifting. To inspire and to be inspired.  Unfortunately, right  now I am weighed down. I don't  like being weighed down. 

You know who I need?! A bartender!! I know that is the last person a 9 month pregnant lady should be seeing. But think about it- bartenders give you a stress relieving beverage and then listen to your problems. They will nod their head and pretend to care. You can get everything off your chest, they get a good tip, you walk out and never have to see that person in your daily life. Sure the bar tender might judge you, but who cares. They aren't someone that matters in your life. And who knows maybe they know just what to say. 

When I worked as a barista I felt like the bartender of mornings. I gave people a stress relieving beverage and nodded my head as they told me about the job they were off to where they had an annoying coworker or a boss that wouldn't give them time off. Or whatever. I would try to encourage them, Offer an extra shot of espresso, and off into the ratrace they would go. I would like to say that most of these people had a better day, after talking through some of their stresses. I am sure the coffee helped, too. 

Okay the good stuff. Briley is 2 weeks shy of turning one and she has finally cut 2 teeth. Yay!!! I hope she gets the other 2 sooner rather then later. She is the cutest little girl. I am not saying that because she is mine, I am saying that because seriously she is so adorable. I can't believe my little girl is going to be 1. She is my rock. She is why I keep going. She is the reason I want p be happy and strong. Briley is my inspiration. 

Like I said I am not trying to use this as a tool for sympathy or a pity party. Just need to write. It makes me feel better even though I didnt get to write about the things that are bothering me, I was able to say that I can't talk about them. I am bound and determined to write a happy blog next. Nothing but happy. Because I am so fortunate to have this life, the ups an the downs. 

Did I mention I have the most beautiful little girl? Well I do. 

08 June 2013

Girlie Time

Today Briley modeled in her first fashion show for Bubele. She was so adorable, even in all of her crankiness backstage.  I was so fortunate to do it with her for Limabeane Maternity and More.
 I had fun, Briley had fun, and the expo was amazing!! It was a great time and a new experience for Briley. We even got to keep Briley's too cute for words outfit!

However, I have had some other factors weighing on my heart today which I am having a hard time ignoring.  I want to stop worrying. I want to go do more things with Briley... more girl time before we add a boy to the family. I miss Seth, I am so over being pregnant right now, there are other confidential issues that have me down.  But I am not going to get this time back. I have about 5 weeks where it is just me and her, and I need quit worrying about things I can not change and enjoy each and every day. One day far too soon my baby will be grown and on her own. Every day she learns something new, and amazes me.

28 May 2013


I am feeling at ease tonight as I have completed an emergency phone number list. As of now, my parents are planning on driving all the way up to NNY from Georgia, so when I have Will, Briley can stay here, sleep in her own be and be in her own house. For me, this is the best case scenario. Briley is my main concern. We have not been seperated  more the a few hours at a time. We live on a pretty strict routine because that is how we function best.  She always does just fine when I leave her with a friend for an apt. She doesn't even blink when I leave. But I am concerned about leaving her for atleat two days. The less change for her the better and if she stays in a familiar place I think she will be more comfortable. 

Unfortunitly in life, things dont always work out the way we would like. My parents might not be able to come, or they might not get here in time, or who knows. So in the case of an emergency I have a list of numbers of wonderful friends.  Also on the list I have my doctors numbers and reminders. Tomorrow I am going to type up a schedule for Briley. Of course that is subject to change as she grows over the next 2 months. But I can change it as we go. 

I feel a big relief having somewhat of an emergency plan. 

The hardest part about having a baby during deployment is leaving my 1st baby. But honestly I think being away from her will be harder on me then it will be for her. She's a strong and resilient little girl, and we will get through this together thanks to a lot of good friends.