24 June 2013

Spider in the room

Sooo I had a less then perfect weekend filled with some very entertaining drama that unfortunately I can not make public. I know everyone loves a juicy story and as much as I would like to vent, I can't. 

So back on track here: I had a very crappy weekend and it really really really had me stressed and depressed. Today I have let go as much of it as I can, however I had a teething baby who has left me completely exhausted. I should be sleeping now, but I have to share this story. 

Finally ending my long day, I climbed into bed and started my usual routine of bothering people on Facebook and reading their business. This is my social life. Lol. I happened to glance up and something catches my eye. 

Oh no it is.
And it is gigantic.
A spider. On my ceiling. Making its way toward the ceiling fan.
It creeps it's way closer and closer until it is above the spinning blades. The force causes the spider to lose its grip on the ceiling. 
NO! Please for the love of all creatures that are not creepy crawly!! 
The spider falls.
I hear the blade hit the spiders body. And it is gone. 
From the ceiling but oh my goodness where is it. 
I tell my mathematical genius of a brother the story and ask him where it could have landed. His genius answer: "to the left?"
I look to the left and there it is. On the left corner of...
My bed!!!!! Omg Eeewwww someone please save me!!!!

Now I admit. There was a moment of weakness. I wanted to break down and get my husband home to get this freakishly alive 8 legged creature off my bed. 

But I have to do this alone. I can do this. Think. I ran down stairs and graved my shark hand vac. I vacuumed that sucker off my bed. Replaced my sheets with fresh spider-germ free sheets. And I have officially conquered another crisis. I am a boss. 

And now the teether is up. So on to the next...

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